Tags are ad-hoc keywords that identify important information in your post (names, subjects, etc) that may or may not recur in other posts. Unlike Categories, Tags have no hierarchy, meaning there’s no relationship from one Tag to another. Pages cannot be assigned Tags and cannot be associated with Categories. You can only associate Tags and Categories to Posts.
Like Categories, there are two ways to add Post Tags. They can be added whilst adding or editing your Post or they can be added via the Tags menu option. Adding Tags whilst editing your Post, will automatically assign those Tags to your Post. Adding Tags using the Tags menu option will simply add them to the list of available Tags.
Video Tutorial: http://support.rvhobo.net/wordpress/tags
Documentation: http://easywpguide.com/wordpress-manual/tags/
This topic was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by rvhobo7663.
This topic was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by rvhobo7663.